Elizabeth Haynes
Translation:Alexandros Hondros

When young, pretty Catherine Bailey meets Lee Brightman, she can't believe her luck. Gorgeous, charismatic, and a bit mysterious, Lee seems almost too perfect to be true.
But what begins as flattering attention and spontaneous, passionate sex transforms into raging jealousy, and Catherine soon discovers that Lee's dazzling blue eyes and blond good looks hide a dark, violent nature. Disturbed by his increasingly erratic, controlling behavior, she tries to break it off; turning to her friends for support, she's stunned to find they don't believe her. Increasingly isolated and driven into the darkest corner of her world, a desperate Catherine plans a meticulous escape.
Four years later, Catherine is trying to build a new life in a new city. Though her body has healed, the trauma of the past still haunts her. Then Stuart Richardson, her attractive new neighbor, moves in. Encouraging her to confront her fears, he sparks unexpected hope and the possibility of love and a normal life.
Until the day the phone rings . . .

Amazon UK 2011 Rising Star
Amazon UK's Book of the Year 2011
New York Times Best Seller


Aderfaki coverGiorgia Cozza
Translation:Anna Papastavrou

Is there a baby on the way! When the family grows, parents and children are asked to find a new balance. How to help the first-born to face change with serenity and joy? After birth how to handle the needs of two or more children of different ages? And yet, what precautions can foster understanding between brothers and sisters in childhood? This book answers to the doubts and questions of parents, offering useful information and practical tips for engaging older brothers awaiting and welcoming a new born. The interventions of experts, psychologists and educators, indicate how to handle the situation if your child is in trouble (for example in the case of regression or intense jealousy).




Diagnostic Classification of Mental Health and Developmental Disorders of Infancy and Early Childhood (DC:0-3)

Translation: Kornilia Hatzinikolaou, Vasiliki Karveli, Eleanna Ritsou, Vasiliki Kondili

With the help of the DC:0-3R Revision Task Force, ZERO TO THREE is once again tackling an update and revision of the DC:0-3R—a 3-year process that began in March 2013. The DC:0-3R Revision Task Force will consider changes to DC:0-3R, making content-related decisions with input from the clinical and research literature, users worldwide, and feedback from recognized experts in particular areas. The revision will capture new findings relevant to diagnosis in young children and will address issues that have remained unresolved since the book was published in 2005. Revision Task Force members are: Charley Zeanah (Chair), Alice Carter, Julie Cohen, Helen Egger, Miri Keren, Mary Margaret Gleason, Alicia Lieberman, Kathleen Mulrooney, and Cindy Oser.

ISBN: 978-960-6893-26-1

Price: €12.00

cover confHélène Grémillon
Vaso Nikolopoulou, Kleoniki Dougé

Paris, 1975. While sifting through condolence letters after her mother's death, Camille finds a long, handwritten missive that she assumes came by mistake. But every Tuesday brings another installment from a stranger named Louis, a man separated from his first love, Annie, in the years before World War II. In his tale, Annie falls victim to the merciless plot of a wealthy, barren couple just as German troops arrive in Paris. But also awaiting Camille's discovery is the other side of the story - one that calls into question Annie's innocence and reveals the devastating consequences of revenge. As Camille reads on, she realizes that her own life may be the next chapter in this tragic story.

Pages: 248

Η γκαρσονιέρα

Hélène Grémillon

Translation:  Mina Pateraki- Garefi


This novel is based on a true story. The events took place in Argentina, Buenos Aires. We are in August 1987, it is winter. The seasons are not the same everywhere, humans though are. 

Pages: 343

ISBN: 978-960-6893-27-8

Price: 15.00€


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