Sophie Carquain
Translation: Natasa Papadopoulou

The role of adults is to ensure health and safety for children. But how to avoid these little repeating and soul- destroying sentences: "Go brush your teeth", "Not too much TV," "Wear your glasses," "Do not touch the tobacco"... How we can make them understand the necessity of those actions, as to go to the ophthalmologist or sometimes how to protect themselves against the abusive behavior of adults? Since imagination is the preferred way to communicate with children, those narrative stories inspiring them to take care of themselves in a greater sense than an educational way. Through their beloved characters (rabbits, fairies, witches, big bad wolf ...), children understand and learn ... After the success of the first volume of Petites histoires pour devenir grand 1, dedicated to the fears and anxieties of the child, Sophie Carquain offers a wonderful support, full of humor and poetry, to address all health and safety issues.
Pages: 317
ISBN: 978-960-6893-28-5

Price: 12.00€


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