Douglas Skelton 

Translation: Anna Papastavrou 


On an island of secrets some sins never die!

"Skelton builds up the suspense before going in for the kill… a pa”rticularly gripping thriller” The Herald


When reporter Rebecca Connolly hears that Roddie Drummond has returned to the Scottish island of Stoirm, she sensesa story. Fifteen years earlier, he was charged with the murder of his lover Mhairi, but the case  was found not proven and Roddie fled the island. Now he is back for his mother's funeral – and his return has sparked an explosion of hatred, bitterness and violence.


Defying her editor’s wishes, Rebecca digs into  the mystery surrounding Mhairi’s death, until a storm isolates her from the mainland. Alone, she must risk everything to survive.

“An emotionally truthful tale…delivered in a lyrical style that places Douglas Skelton among Scotland’s top cadre of crime writers”

The Scotsman


Pages: 406

ISBN: 978-960-6893-64-3

Price: €16.00

XorisFovo Cover ΟΣΔΕΛ

Rafael Santandreu

Translation: Christina Amargianou


Is it possible to live without fear? Certainly.

Hundreds of thousands of people have reprogrammed their brains thanks to this method, documented by many scientific studies.

Four clear and concise steps will allow us to permanently conquer all our fears, even the most intense.


·      Anxiety or panic attacks

·      Ideologies

·      Hypochondriasis

·      Social anxiety

·      Or any other unfounded fear


The book Without Fear is the definitive method. Everyone can apply it by following the instructions and, of course, without the need for medication. Get ready to become the best version of yourself: a free, strong and happy person.


Page: 336

ISBN: 978-960-6893-61-2

Price: €12.00






Translation: Natasa Papadopoulou

Illustration: Muzo


For children from 3 years old


Teo doesn't play football with his friends anymore because he can't tear himself away from the TV and the tablet! Will he be able to escape this trap and focus on more interesting activities?


Page: 40

ISBN: 978-960-6893-60-5

Price: €7.00

BelledeCostaGreene Cover site

Alexandra Lapierre

Translation: Rozali Sinopoulou


New York, 1900s. A young girl, passionate about rare books, cheats fate and climbs the ladder of success. She becomes the director of the magnificent library of the tycoon JP Morgan and the darling of the international aristocracy, under the pseudonym Belle da Costa Green. Bell Green for her intimates. In fact, he makes fun of them all.

Because the impressive collector, who leaves everyone speechless in her wake and reigns in the world of bibliophiles, hides a terrifying secret, in a wildly racist America. While she looks white, she is actually African-American. And on top of that, the daughter of a famous black activist who sees her desire to hide her roots as a betrayal.


This drama of a soul torn between her history and her choice to belong to the society that oppresses her people is narrated by Alexandra Lapierre. The fruit of three years of research, this novel traces the triumphs and downfalls of a life-long woman, free yet determined, whose unimaginable courage echoes today's battles.


Page: 536

ISBN: 978-960-6893-63-6

Price: €17.00






Translation: Natasa Papadopoulou

Illustration: Muzo


For children from 3 years old


It's time for Lea to go to school, but she really doesn't want to. Plus, he has a terrible stomach ache. And if the teacher asks her to say the lesson? How boring to listen to her! Fortunately, there is a solution! And her dad is there to help her.

Page: 40

ISBN: 978-960-6893-59-9

Price: €7.00

Page 1 of 17


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