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Véronique Ovaldé

Translation: Natasa Papadopoulou


In a fantastic location in South America, three women of the same family seem to have the same destiny: to acquire a daughter but never reveal the father's name. They called Rosa, Violet and Vera Candida. Of the three of them, only Vera Candida dares to think that destiny is not invulnerable. A love story, where Veronique Ovalnte has gathered all issues -and the creatures- she loves.

Pages: 326

ISBN: 978-960-6893-18-6

Price: €15.00


eksofyllo-tycheropitaPersa Suka
Illustration: Stathis Petropoulos

The clock started ticking loudly meaning midnight. Bells, bells, bells ...
Then, in the twelfth ticking, a desperate cry heard from the basement Kitchen Gourmet: "Disaster! Disaster!"
The whole palace stood on the foot.
Who was crying? What had happened in the night?
The news quickly learned by word of mouth. Someone had stolen the Lucky-Pie of Witch-chefs and that will bring them great misfortune.
The queen Béchamel without losing time invites the well-known investigator Chocolate Ballades assume this difficult case. The fate of Witch-chefs, the best magicians of cooking is in his hands.
Will he manage to solve the mystery?

The disappearance of Lucky-Pie is an original children's novel with modern writing, police action intensity and constant twists; one book which holds the interest of readers, from the first page to the last.

For children 7-9 years old.
Pages: 123
ISBN: 978-960-6893-20-9
Price: 10.00€


Philippe Djian
Translation: Natasa Papadopoulou

Francis is a successful author. His wife and one of his two daughters died before his eyes. In his sixties, is located in the Basque Country, where aside his last of remorse remarried. But now his daughter Alice, who loves her more than anything else, suddenly disappears and destroys this delicate balance. Barricade him behind the spiritual castle building to prevent collapse, discovers a world where forgiveness is impossible.
Pages: 246
ISBN: 978-960-6893-19-3
Price: €12.00

papastratosEvangelos A. Papastratos

... Young people who start their lives today must believe in something, have ideals, beyond the desire of financial success ...
... It is a lie and a big mistake to give young people the impression that it is impossible to succeed, if not use all means, and those that are not irreproachable. Honesty is the best mean for a young people who want to succeed in life if they are really determined to give all their power in order to succeed their goals, without of course unilateralism withering youth and their humanity, and also without wasting forces on many to nothing and loses their courage in any harsh wind blowing ...
(Passage from the epilogue by Evangelos A Papastratos)

Pages: 298
ISBN: 978-960-6893-15-5
Price: 15.00€

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