didimes big

Tessa De Loo

Through this book we are traveling between Holland and Germany, following the story of two elderly women, one Dutch and the other German. They meet by chance in the famous Center of Medical Baths in Spa. Very quickly they discover that they are twins, but were separated at childhood.

Format: 13.5 x 19.5 
Pages: 450
ISBN: 978-960-89877-3-9

Price: € 20.00


DOGGY BAG/ Season 1
Philip Djian

Two brothers, one woman, one secret!
Mark and David Sollens are two sexy brothers near fortyish. They have everything in order to be happy.  Their lives run among quick rhythms, one night stands, passion and suffering.  Twenty years ago they were close to kill each other for a woman, Edith, who disappeared suddenly as she has appeared. One day the beautiful woman reappears.
A romance based on TV series patterns. And it is just the beginning…

See also: 
Doggy Bag / Season 2

Doggy Bag / Season 3

Format: 12 x 18 
Pages: 264
ISBN: 978-960-6893-05-6

Price: € 12.00

troost big

Ronald Giphart

Art Troost is a famous chef with two Michelin stars. He hosts a television programme in summer when his restaurant is closed. The story takes place during the fifth season of the show, which is turning out to be a disaster.  Gradually the novel develops into a sublime parody on the world of television, which turns chefs into stars and where food is no more than a product for entertainment.

Format: 13.5 x 19.5 
Pages: 252
ISBN: 978-960-89877-2-2

Price: € 15.00


Bohumil Hrabal

The First World War has just finished; the Austro - Hungarian Empire has disbanded and new countries are founded, among them Czecholosvakia. New people in new countries wellcome and define the new era, starting from the most trivial things.


Format: 13.5 x 19.5 
Pages: 137
ISBN: 978-960-89877-1-5

Price: € 12.00

vlefarida big

Karen McLeod

"In search of the missing eyelash" is a novel about family, love, loss and all those things that do not occur, regardless of how hard we try. 
It is cheerful, poetic, sensitive and hard at the same time. It is a novel about the two sexes and sex; melodramatic and comical, like the everlasting movement of an eyelash.


Format: 13.5 x 19.5 
Pages: 257
ISBN: 978-960-89877-4-6

Price: € 15.00


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